A new ick, based on a splendid prompt. June 2022
Listening Notes:
Valid Jagger by Joan as Police Woman
Trigger Warning:
Sexual acts not in accordance with God’s law. Dirty words. Thunder.
The Story
“If we get caught,” Rachael said, stooped over the fallen tree trunk, “I’m blaming you.”
He nodded and pointed the camera. She was fully clothed and she looked almost normal in the long coat she stood in. She stood up to her full height and looked around.
“How many people do you think come here in a day?” She asked.
“Not many. No trail marks, no beer cans, nothing around. And no vantage point; why would anyone come here?” Adam asked.
“To look at the view? To be one with nature? To shoot a porno? ” She giggled.
He looked through he lens at her as she undid her coat, revealing the taut red vinyl underneath. The shiny vibrant red wasn’t really his thing, but it did pop in the viewfinder and it would work with her audience. Her phone pinged in her pocket.
“Another subscriber?” She laughed, but they both knew that the site now only pinged her with a digest of the last hundred subscribers.
She looked around for the place to put on her tinsel halo and satisfy herself that her makeup was complete; today it was to be vampish, striking and very very smearable. This was to be a PPV shoot, and, whilst they both preferred to be nice to the fans, they also liked to have nice things. If they shot this right, they would easily afford the Thai holiday they had planned, and maybe more.
She sat on another fallen tree and he surveyed the light. He had a ring light on the camera but that wouldn’t be enough for this shoot – he could do a light cast on the video later when they got back to the apartment.
He couldn’t quite believe his luck. The POV cameraman for the hottest ticket on OnlyFans, whose solemn and sombre duty was to film and fuck her famous and much desired body and, once every three videos, shoot his always thick, always voluminous load all over her, or wherever she begged for it. He was reminded regularly by her that he a videographer first and foremost; he well remembered the day she had asked him to use the dildo on her, in her, and how, at the end of the shoot she had demanded why he hadn’t stepped in. From that day on, he had been the faceless, voiceless cock provider for her fast developing and profitable enterprise. And what a cock – a few millimetres shy of the official average length and girth for men in the UK, he was exactly what 66% of subscribers wanted to see – someone smaller and less intimidating than them, still with a chance with the milky skinned, iconically pretty woman. He was a pornographer’s dream.
They had come to an arrangement on the money as well – he walked away with 20% of the incomes, which she was able anyway to write off as business costs, and to be the guy watching in person as she engulfed and enveloped his cock.
The only thing she didn’t do was anal, but they had a plan for that – it was a Y2H2 episode. When they had plateaued on new subscriptions, she was going to Discord and Reddit and ask if people would like to see her fucked in her virgin asshole, to build up hype. And then they were going to make it a PPV event, much like the one they were about to film now. He estimated she’d get up to 600,000 subscribers just for that – it would be enough for her to get out of the game and retire after another six months, and just like that she would have made her money and departed the scene.
He set up his camera. She inspected her makeup and tidied her hair – she always started with shiny, gorgeous, completely straightened hair, all the better to make the before / after photos pop. She would be a total mess by the end of the shoot, with smeared makeup, running mascara, red face and her shiny pristine vinyl suit covered in spunk. You have to give them what they want.
They filmed the scene. She twirled for the camera, bent over to show her ass and glistening vulva (its amazing what lube can do) and he advanced on her slowly, having her squat and suck his cock to life; she took her time, making it nice and messy for the screenshots and taking care to bring him to where he needed to be.
The formula was simple enough; mouthbreathers and gooners needed to see her being penetrated, needed to see her engulf a cock, and needed to see her apparently in a little pain at how roughly she was being fucked. Mostly they needed to see her pussy soaking and fucked for extended periods of time. They also needed to hear her shout degrading and depraved things at her fucker. They desperately needed not to see his face or anything more than his cock. White Knights, who dreamed of seeing her fall in love with them, swoon and then for some reason let them do all the fucked up filthy stuff she did for her OF followers on purely romantic grounds, needed to see her pretty face and the look of lost, anxious worry on her face all until the moment she came; in truth, the White Knights never made it that far or particularly cared about her pleasure – they needed to skip past that to the cumshot, because they could at least imagine that.
So he swapped positions as they fucked to film her from every angle; more often than not he was pausing the fuck to take good stills, concentrating on her face for those shots, concentrating on her hands (because the research showed that 21% of watchers found it sexy to see her hands.
It was always a pleasure, of course, and never a chore, but both of them were tired and this shoot was to meet the quota they had set; they had the sensations and they whooped and hollered and shouted filth at one another; they hyped it up as best they could; the subscribers would never notice, and it was okay to phone one in every so often.
He was balls-deep in her when they heard the crack of a stick breaking underfoot. At first she thought nothing of it, and assumed it was Adam as he had swapped direction. Despite being fully immersed in her wet heat, Adam looked around him, and saw, in the middle distance, two men, staring intently at them.
Rachael pushed Adam out of her and away and scrambled for her coat, which she threw over herself; the red vinyl number was no use to her now. Adam pulled up his shorts his cock soaking in the lube she had used and a mix of their two wetnesses. He pressed stop on the camera and prepared to abandon the shoot and get the fuck out of dodge.
The two men advanced on them, slowly and deliberately. One of them held his hands out by his sides, as if to show he was unarmed; the thought hadn’t even begun to occur to Rachel and Adam that he might have been.
When they gathered closer, one of them called out to them.
“We just heard noise in the distance, and it sounded like a woman was in trouble. Are you alright there?”
Rachel caught her breath.
“Yeah, I’m all good thank you! I’m not in trouble! We were just fooling around!”
The two men continued their advance.
“You can’t be too careful out here. And when you hear the sorts of noises you were making, it’s a good idea to come and make sure things are okay. You sure you’re okay?”
Adam tightened his jaw.
“Lady said she was okay. Thanks for your concern, but you can go now!”
The man who had been advancing with his hands out by his sides now called out to them; they were separated by about 20 metres now.
“Yeah, good, but if it’s all the same to you, we’re going to come in a little closer just to verify that with the lady.”
“Mate, I’m her fucking boyfriend, you heard her say she was okay, so no, it’s not all the same with me.”
“All the same,” said the first man, “we’re going to come and say hello. Neither of us is armed, neither of us is going to harm you. We’re just out for a hike, and coming over to make sure things are okay. You were making a lot of noise.”
Rachel told Adam to be quiet.
“For sure, guys, come on over. But really I’m not in any difficulty. We were just fooling around out on a walk, and we decided to have a little fun.”
“A little fun is good!” said the taller of the two men. He looked around them at the tripod, backpacks and camera bags. You brought a lot of equipment to have a little fun. You decided to record it?”
Adam again: “It’s none of your fucking business what we were doing. You’ve heard her say twice now that she’s okay. So you can fucking go.”
The taller of the men stopped walking.
“So, we’ll go wherever the fuck we want to, because this is private property and I happen to be the owner. And that means you’re trespassing, and that means I can hold you both here until the police get here, because I think you’re committing a criminal act. So you can shut the fuck up, for a start.”
The shorter man approached Rachel and sat down beside her, and they spoke a little; he seemed more comfortable in a few moments after Rachael again confirmed that nothing was going on she wanted to stop. Adam continued packing up the equipment, trading small talk and apologising to the man he had just been scolded by. As he was finishing zipping up the gear, a thunder clap seemed to fill the sky, and in but five seconds the rain began to fall.
The shorter man seemed very concerned. “Right, that’s the storm we were talking about earlier. That fucking cloud, man. There’s a shelter about five minutes that way!” He pointed up the hill, and gathered up Rachel’s shiny plastic dress and helped her put on her trainers for the walk.
They all went together, as quickly as the dense wood would allow them as the rain began to crash down, towards the shelter.
The shelter stood against a natural small cliff, and resembled a large hut; there were three walls; it had clearly been used to hold chopped wood at some point in the past, but now it was an ancient yet robust structure with a tin roof. Thunder clapped again, the boom filling the valley and appearing to all of them pretty close. There was a sense of electricity in the air; they arrived at the hut and sat down to watch the lightning arc around the sky.
They were particularly shocked to feel the thud of an actual lightning strike, somewhere in the forest below them, from what seemed to Rachael and Adam to be close to where they had come from.
The short man, who had by now introduced himself as Tom, was in deep, low conversation with Rachael, until suddenly, he stood.
“I know who you are!” He said. “You’re that girl from Discord, with all the videos!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” purred Rachael. Adam didn’t catch the purr, but Tom did.
“She’s not!” Blurted Adam. “She’s not on Discord!”
Tom rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Adam, buddy, I manage three thousand acres of woodland. I watch enough porn to know my performers. This is MissFizzy69. Correct?”
Adam shook his head, so Tom looked back to Rachael.
Adam couldn’t believe his ears as Rachael answered Tom.
“It’s MsFitzy69. And If you’ve only seen me on Discord, that means you’ve been watching pirated material. That’s not very nice. A girl has to live, Tom!”
The taller man, who it transpired was named Daniel, sighed and laughed. “Fucking perverts with their porn. What’s wrong with driving out to the Railwayman and meeting real women?”
Tom smiled and nodded. “Dan, you know I spend as much time in the Railwayman as you, and you know I enjoy a drink with a real woman as much as the next guy, but, unless you hadn’t noticed, MsFitzy69 here is a real life woman. And you saw as well as I did that she is a fully functioning one as well. What’s the phrase you use in your videos?”
Rachael laughed and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapped her arms around her legs and carefully intoned: “Cock sleeve. I’m a cock sleeve, Tom.”
Dan whistled. “Fucking hell. Anyway. I think this is going to be clear in about half an hour, so perhaps we give her some privacy to get her clothes on?”
Adam eagerly agreed, and the three men turned to the west, with their backs to her. The view down the now stormy valley was magnificent, as shards of sunlight competed with the sharply falling rain and distant thunder. She took off the coat and began to put her red vinyl dress back on. As she pulled it up over her thighs, a thought crossed her mind; she didn’t stop to second guess it.
“Adam, get the camera out again.”
Adam turned around to her. The dress was half on, and she was shimmying to put her arms in place, but the creamy unblemished flesh of her breasts fairly (or unfairly) spilled out.
“What?” He asked.
“Get the Camera out. We’re going to give these kind gentlemen a treat.”
Adam, who was not possessed of sufficient gumption to understand what was about to take place, dissented.
“I’m not really up for it. It’s all a bit pressured, don’t you think?”
“Adam, honey, I’m going to give these kind gentlemen a treat, and you’re either going to video it and get twenty percent of the royalties or you’re not.”
Tom and Dan had turned round to face her; Dan was visibly very impressed, and Tom seemed totally engrossed in the vision before him.
Adam continued his protest.
“But the lights aren’t going to be good enough for a dildo scene – you know we need the reflectors if we’re doing those without perfect light.”
Tom laughed out loud.
“Adam, man, look at her. She’s not going to give us a dildo scene. She doesn’t want us as spectators.” He walked towards her and leaned in to kiss her.
“Nope,” she said. “I’m directing this scene. Let Adam get the camera set up and then I’ll tell you what to do.”
Dan groaned. “Tom, you sure you want to go through with whatever this is? It’s all a bit…”
“Too good to be true, Dan” interrupted Rachel. “Yes, it is. It’s too good to be true. But I’m not interested in fucking Dan or Tom. I’m going to get fucked by both of you. But for now, hush. We have some prep to do.”
She reached into Adam’s kit bag and pulled out some wipes. She cleaned herself up from the mess left by the regulation fuck from earlier, and told Adam in no uncertain hissed tones to do what he was told. She reminded him that she was the key to both his growing wealth and the only woman in the country who had ever agreed deliberately to sleep with him. Utterly emasculated, he got on with the job.
In less than ten minutes, they were ready for a scene. Rachel checked her makeup and stood in front of the camera.
Adam gave a thumb up and she began to speak.
“Hello my kings. My intrepid fucker-cum-cameraman and I went out for a walk today in the woods to show you what it really means to get back to nature – and he fucked me good, nice and deep like you all enjoy, when, out of nowhere, two men came up to us. I’m going to call them Dave and Trey. Now, come over here boys!”
After a split second of hesitation the two men walked into shot; Adam adjusted the camera to bring them both in.
“Now, you see, Dave and Trey scared our normally adventurous cameraman, and he went very limp, so we couldn’t even put on a show for our new friends. So, after I cast out the pathetic scared little fucker, I decided that my fans deserve a show. So, Dave and Trey are going to fuck me until they can’t fuck me anymore and our scaredy-cat bitch of a cameraman is going to capture every fucking insertion, every penetration, every time they make me choke or scream or cum. I reckon these lads can go on for a little while, but our camera-bitch is going to capture every last moment of it, and, my kings, I know you can last until they’re spent, right? No fast forwarding. Watch me get fucked by two strangers in real time. Are you ready?”
She stopped, turned to Adam and told him “There, you have your intro, Now, I need your coat to kneel on. Keep rolling.” Adam took off his coat; it was cold on the hillside.
Rachel knelt and pulled Tom towards her, reached out and undid his belt, popped his fly and reached inside his underwear. She looked toward the camera again.
“What have we here, my kings? It looks like it’s a little scared. Let’s see if we can wake it up.”
She kissed the tip of his cock and licked the shaft from tip to the curve of his balls, then, with a satisfied ‘hmm’ sucked the shaft into her mouth. She groaned and moaned as she sucked his rapidly stiffening shaft; he put his head back and revelled in the magic she did with her well experienced tongue; she was making driving him harder with every self possessed little flick of her head; still orally filled by Tom’s now alive dick, she reached out to Dan and gathered him in. He untucked his shirt, a little self conscious about his belly, and she reached inside his jeans to pull out his already waking member.
She pulled her head off Tom’s prick and fell upon Dan’s; Tom’s was a perfectly proportioned cock, but Dan was packing; she let a little spit gather on the tip of her tongue and let it drip onto the head of his uncircumcised length, then traced from the head to his balls, coating the topside of him with her spit, before taking it in her mouth and forcing herself to gag on its length. She gently stroked Tom’s cock as she did so, then gathered them both in and took both of them onto her tongue at once. Adam, dutifully, took the stills and tried to shield his disgust. This wasn’t how his day was supposed to go today.
Rachel stood and whispered to the two men “Guys, you can do what you want with me. Just go with it. Let’s have fun.”
With that, Tom reached out to her tits, just to feel and fondle them; Dan came close up to her and squeezed her ass; she gave an excited little whimper and reached out to take each of their cocks in her hands and slowly, carefully stroke them; her warm soft hands felt like a strange electric heaven on the hillside to each of them, and soon they were working in unison to relieve her of the dress; Dan unhooked the zipper and slipped it down, and Tom peeled it off her; she was completely naked, her pale soft skin utterly exposed to the two strangers; Tom came close to her and bowed down to kiss and lick her nipples; he sucked each one with increasing strength until suddenly he was engrossed entirely, sucking her hard, stretching and kneading her tits. She watched the eager man with some admiration – the feeling of his day old stubble on her soft flesh was a striking contrast to the flitting action of his tongue and the committed vacuum of his sucking; he was noisy.
“Greedy, hungry boy. That’s right, Trey. Feast on your queen’s tits. Feed on me.” Suddenly she was distracted by Dan’s arms, coming around her from behind, reaching towards her crotch; he slipped his fingers along her slit, searching and probing her, until he found his fingers slick with her wetness; he delighted her with a quick and deft shift to find her clit and roughly, with more pressure than she was used to from Adam, he began to trace a circular route around and then directly on her clitoris; they had her divided attention.
Tom kept on sucking her breasts, but she was impressed by Dan’s initiative; she bent over and put her legs into a pleasing A position, placed Tom’s hands in her perfectly straight hair and sucked his cock into her mouth, bobbing on his full length in a way she felt terribly pleasing, and which she was sure the subscribers would enjoy. She shimmied back a little towards Dan, and adjusted her hips to ensure her gaping vulva was now perfectly available to his mouth if he wanted it. And Dan did want it. He took her hips in his hands and pulled her onto his mouth; he plunged his tongue between her labia and deep inside her wet, hungry cunt. She moaned for his ministrations and he tried to engulf her in his mouth, deeply and eagerly tongue fucking her as she sucked his best friend. She reached down to continue the harsh, fast, rough rubbing he had begun on her clit as he licked and drank her down. Adam, now resigned to his fate for the day, moved around to focus on the stranger eating Rachel’s sex, the drool and wetness mixing on his soaked chin, then to the front where Rachel’s ecstasy struck face was now being strongly fucked by Tom; he had her head held exactly where he needed it for the purpose of using her completely.
With Rachael’s mouth full, Adam knew he needed to direct a little.
“Tell her what you think of her,” he whispered.
Tom didn’t need much prompting.
“She can’t suck cock for shit,” he said “so I’m just going to use her mouth for a cunt.”
This was new information for Rachael, who tried to pull away to protest, but she knew it was useless with her head locked in his arms; in any case, she didn’t mind the outcome; she was tired of being Adam’s queen, placed on a pedestal, always in control. Just for now, she thought, she could…
The thought was never finished; Dan’s tongue was strong and now it was inside her ass. This was a new moment for her, and for Dan, too. Truly, in the height of an outdoor thunderstorm impromptu porn recording, one is drawn to do strange and interesting things. He hadn’t put much or any thought into what he would do if he ever found his tongue inside a stranger’s asshole, but since he was being filmed, he decided to go all pornstar about it; it seemed to work for her; she felt him desperate to give her pleasure and he seemed to be enjoying the experience.
Adam filmed it transfixed; this was the first time he had ever seen her agree to anything involving her ass; he shifted back to get her an overall shot of the scene; it was a fairly impressive one, all considered. She stood, naked but for her trainers, skewered on the tongue and the cock of two strangers, and she was magnificent.
To be fair to them, he thought, the lads were doing pretty well.
Tom was now rhythmically using Rachel’s throat; he was close to cumming, and Rachel knew it; her inner performer was keen to make sure a cum shot wasn’t wasted, but her inner goddess was content to take his load as he was now, firmly but less brutally now using her mouth; but she did want to show her protest at his dismissal of her oral skills. She pulled back, and he released his arms’ grip from her head.
“Where is Dan’s tongue, cameraman?”
“It’s in your ass,” replied Adam.
“You’ve never been allowed to put anything in my virgin asshole, have you?”
“No I have not.”
“But you see how I let this complete stranger eat my asshole and I won’t even let you touch it?”
“I do.”
“Good, cameraman. Good. Now zoom in close on him fucking my ass with his thick long tongue.” Her voice was becoming breathless, she noticed. She was enjoying the whole spectacle a lot. Tom had come round to watch her being eaten; Dan was into a rhythm now, and he could feel her backing onto him as he continued. Tom approached, tapped Dan’s shoulder and, reluctantly Dan pulled off her; he stood to his full height and Rachael turned to him; her makeup was beginning to abrade, but she tried to convey to Dan something of the bizarre and unexpected awakening she had experienced.
She sat down on the coat, and beckoned them over to her. She spread her legs and silently Tom dropped to his knees, tugged on his cock and lined up with her entrance; she moaned in anticipation and he slipped inside her; neither her demeanour nor her musculature gave him any resistance, and he gave a guttural, breathy groan to be inside this goddess’s tight, wet heat; she felt like a furnace inside, and he was deep, raw, fully inside her. He bucked his hips and began to fuck her; inside this young, deeply sensual, available woman; every time he withdrew he craved the moment of his thrust back inside her; and he wasn’t the only one. She was captured by an intense and weird sensation close to warm contentment; she watched him plunge into her, and watched his face, still handsome despite the weatherbeaten patina, realising that he was entirely lost in her; he was in the moment, feeling everything through his hands and his cock, which she noticed had gone beyond merely hard and now seemed to be simply conforming to the sensation she wanted; he was right on her most sensitive spot, and with every withdrawal he made, he dragged her closer to the orgasm she hadn’t honestly had in about four months; Adam was a worker but he didn’t work, so she had learned to give the viewers what they needed; this was not, she felt, likely to be a problem today.
“Are you going to finish inside me, Trey?” She asked, sweetly.
“No!” He exclaimed, as if he had been trying to banish the idea; he made the fatal mistake of looking into her eyes and she narrowed them. “Yes you are, Daddy. Shoot your load inside me, Daddy” she begged. He tried to resist momentarily, bucked backwards and withdrew, but it was clear the first spurt had already erupted as he repeatedly pumped a prodigious load over her belly. She burst out laughing and lifted her right leg to allow him to get out and move out of the way for Dan.
Dan stood up and reached out to her; she gave up her arms and he pulled her to her feet. He brought her to the edge of the hut and gave her a plank to kneel down on fairly comfortably; she was facing the other two men as Dan knelt behind her and, without warning, he thrust deep inside her; her vagina stretching to accommodate his larger volume; she shifted position to force him to go deeper; she was keen to impress; Dan was pretty clear on what he wanted to do with her; he took her wrists in his hands and drove into her, his thrusts giving her a groan each time.
“I’m going to fuck a baby into you,” he said, low and clear, just so she could hear. Then he turned to the camera. “I said I’m going to fuck a baby into her. Make sure you got that. Make sure you show the pathetic gooners jerking off to a movie of her being fucked what happens when she gets caught by a real man. She’s fucking caught now, look at her.”
Adam came round the side and watched her; her eyes had rolled up in her head with his thrusts; she was breathing low and ragged; Dan pounded into her every few seconds; bottoming out inside her, but still not entirely balls deep. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he also didn’t particularly care.
Rachael looked into Adam’s eyes; her makeup was smeared as she had hoped, her hair was a tousled sweaty mess. “I blame you, Adam. I blame you.”
She looked over her shoulder.
“Do it, Daddy,” she said. “Fuck that baby into me. Fill my cunt, Daddy!”
“Tell me again, girl. Tell me like you really want it,” he growled.
“I don’t want it, Daddy,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I really don’t want it. But I fucking need it, Daddy.”
With that realisation, she began to shudder and squirm; she felt it build warmly inside herself; she realised, and he soon did too, that she was beginning to cum on this stranger’s cock.
It came, as it usually did for her, in waves, building, unhelpfully in perfect alignment with every withdrawal of Dan’s cunt-stuffing cock. She reached out to Adam and pulled him close to make him film her face.
“I love this cock inside me. What you’re seeing right now is how it feels to be cumming on a complete stranger’s dick. He’s going to squirt a baby inside me. He’s going to do it right now, aren’t you, Daddy?”
Unfair, but great direction. He threw his head back and let out a roar; she felt his cock begin to throb and pulsate; Adam captured him in his agony as the stinging hot load of thick, potent spunk torrented up his cock and directly into her; gushing with some power directly to her cervix; she felt every strong pulse inside her and she let go herself; she put her head on the floor as she began to shudder and spasm; he didn’t withdraw; he held himself inside her to be sure to feel her muscles spasm all around his shaft. He was quite serious; he wasn’t about to pull out and gush on her. He held her in the perfect position for her continuing orgasm to take his essence into her.
Adam filmed from behind him; despite Dan’s best efforts, some of his white thick sperm was escaping around his cock and dripping onto the floor;
The camera battery failed exactly as she gave a high, breathy gasp as her climax caught up with her. She was in no position to luxuriate in it, as it passed through her like a freight train. She shuddered and bucked, and she was electrified.
The storm passed. Adam packed up his bags and Rachael, Tom and Dan had a quiet conversation to the side.
They stayed a little longer, and then Dan and Tom took took them to the cabin; they had another film in mind, but it would need more equipment.