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From the corner of her eye she could see the box containing the product she was launching being brought into the room. Just as she had instructed, the black box was polished to an incredible sheen, rolled on a wheeled table towards the stage team who were getting ready to set up for her keynote. Truly, they had succeeded, for maybe the first time in the company’s history, in keeping the device secret. For everyone in the world except maybe twenty people at the company, this would be the first time it would be seen, and she had two of them.

The speaker on stage now was giving a full update on the rest of the company’s product range – the fastest ever this, the sharpest ever screen on a whatever – all projects which predated her as CEO, and, therefore, not things she honestly gave a damn about – but the unit in the box, the one she also had in her new little clutch bag, these were her babies, and these were the things about to convert the company from the third in the world to the market leader. If she sold it right.

Her clutch buzzed. She took out her phone and checked the messages.

Her CFO telling her the share price was down, but that this was entirely normal for a launch day.

Her CTO telling her that the device was working perfectly and that it was going to be a home run.

Her chief technician telling her not to hit the power button three times in quick succession.

The secret lover who dominated her in every aspect of her non-work life telling her to put the earpiece in her ear and put the vibrating bulb he had sent her this morning inside herself and await further instructions, minutes before she stepped out on the stage to the biggest product launch in her company’s history which Ars Technica and the BBC were covering live.

She indicated to her bodyman that she needed to go to the bathroom, then walked with him through the stage hands to the backstage cubicle.

In the cubicle she retrieved the toy and pulled down her panties, slipping it gently but firmly inside herself; she felt it buzz again. She pulled the single earpiece from its little box and placed it in her ear. It gave a tiny beep and she could hear traffic.

“Hello?” she whispered.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he intoned, knowing the sound of anxiety in her voice.


“I need you to do something for me as you speak today.”

“What? I have a script, I can’t go off script.”

“I need you to be as awesome and self-possessed and in the zone as you are when you’re lowering yourself onto my cock.”

She smiled, and the vibrator buzzed, low, gently, apparently pulsating inside her, the protrusion just trilling on her clit.

“I’ll try. Less perspiration though.”

“Fair. And, gorgeous, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’m not going to buzz you as you talk. I know how important this is to you. You can be safe with me.”

“Are you coming tonight?”

“To the party?”

“Yes. I’d like to see you.”

“That’s a lie.”

“I would!”

“No, it’s a lie. You don’t need or want to see me. You want to feel me. You want to feel my tongue all over your body. You want to taste your cunt on my cock. You don’t want to see me.”

The vibrator buzzed throughout, and she knew it was triggered by his voice.

“You say the loveliest things.”

“You’re about to stand up in front of a thousand technology nerds and you’re the smartest, most successful, most dynamic one of all of them.”

“That’s even better.”

“And not one of them knows that your pussy is soaking around a toy you’ve slipped up there because you’re not just the best of them, but you’re a naughty slut as well.”

She laughed, and he promised to speak to her later but asked her to keep the earpiece in. She straightened her dress and walked out to the backstage, just in time for the five minute warning. Her introduction AV was being cued for display on the IMAX screen she’d be presenting in front of, and her autocue, which she pretended she wouldn’t use, was being prepared.

A five minute comfort break was announced for the audience, but a quick look around the curtain edge confirmed nobody was leaving. Nobody wanted to miss the start of the keynote.

Her backup microphone was clipped to her dress and the stage manager came over to stand beside her. She had a final check-in with the technical team, they confirmed everything was good to go. The intro video played, focused on the company’s products and the devices already mentioned on stage before the keynote, and, in the last ten seconds, she sashayed to stage centre to huge, voluminous, thundering applause. She heard a voice in her ear.

“So, I can see you on the live stream. You look beautiful. Just one thing – the vibration is linked to the use of the company hashtag on twitter, mentions of your dress on all the social media and the share price. I’m not in control now. You are. Have fun with it.”

She nodded to the main camera – directly to him, with a warm smile.

She felt the three motors of the vibrator begin to hum, and, as the applause died down, she began to speak.

“The hashtag for this session, friends, is #bringiton”.