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Stimulant, Part One

Author’s Note: Too much time on the preamble. Like I’m writing a novella or something, which I AM NOT. Still, there’s cum. As always, if it’s on this site, it’s an unrevised first draft. This is probably a three parter. Also, quality...


She lies on her stomach, the filigree lacework of her new underwear describing intricate floral scenes I feel with my fingers, stroking the pattern as I grow harder. Truly, there may be no more pleasing suborgasmic sensation than the feeling of her warm skin yielding...

Her hair

The silk softness of her hair, slipping between his fingers captivated him, almost making him forget the more urgent sensation of her warm, slippery sex rising and falling over his glistening and surprisingly rigid shaft. He watched her labia engulf him over and over,...


No listening notes The Story “The hardest part of a broken heart,” she said, apropos of nothing, “Isn’t the ending so much as the start.” “That’s Feist,” he said. “Great track. Now, get over here.” She snorted a laugh and stalked towards him. “You know that soon...

Ruin (Ick 1)

Listening notes: Fire (Cover) by Joan as Police Woman The Story “I’m going to ruin you,” she said, and the way she said it, she seemed to mean it.  She was about six feet two tall in the frankly intimidating boots in which she stood, and she brandished his belt, which...

Under Control Part 5

Listening Notes You really need to know ‘All I Want’ by Joni Mitchell to understand this story Reading Notes Start at Under Control Part 1 The Story Part 5 You sit on the bed, and she looks into the mirror, laughing and bemused at the vision of her face...