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Under Control Part 3

Listening Note: Geek Love by Nerina Pallot Reading Note: Part 3 of a 5 part story. Start at Part 1 The Story ‘Stand up?” She asked. “Give me a moment to breathe!” You give a friendly, understanding smile. “Stand up for me.”  Your voice is calm, warm, composed and...

Under Control Part 2

Listening Notes: Feelin’ Love by Paula Cole Reading Notes: This is part 2 of a probably multi-part story (it kinda has to be now). This was rewritten on the basis of feedback that an arm is not made of spaghetti. Fair point. Part 1 is here The story So, in a few...

Under Control Part 1

A new ick. June 2022. A bit different this one, probably not nailing third person present, but you can help me out. Listening Notes: “‘Til I Gain Control Again’ by This Mortal Coil The story You know what you want her to do, later, when you’re alone,...
If we get caught, I’m blaming you.

If we get caught, I’m blaming you.

A new ick, based on a splendid prompt. June 2022 Listening Notes: Valid Jagger by Joan as Police Woman Trigger Warning: Sexual acts not in accordance with God’s law. Dirty words. Thunder. The Story “If we get caught,” Rachael said, stooped over the fallen tree trunk,...

The Room

A new ick June 2022. Trigger Warning – reference to past sexual violence Listening notes Nostalgia – The Long Blondes “Thirsty?” “Very,” she responded.Her, yesterday The story The phone pinged, unexpectedly. My head responded with a throb. I rolled over on...


Author’s Note I know exactly what I was thinking when I wrote this. So will you, soon. Listening Notes Romanticise by Chela The story She was tiny.  He had always known this, of course. It wasn’t as if she had gone around on stilts. But in the reality...