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No listening notes The Story “The hardest part of a broken heart,” she said, apropos of nothing, “Isn’t the ending so much as the start.” “That’s Feist,” he said. “Great track. Now, get over here.” She snorted a laugh and stalked towards him. “You know that soon...

Ruin (Ick 1)

Listening notes: Fire (Cover) by Joan as Police Woman The Story “I’m going to ruin you,” she said, and the way she said it, she seemed to mean it.  She was about six feet two tall in the frankly intimidating boots in which she stood, and she brandished his belt, which...

Under Control Part 5

Listening Notes You really need to know ‘All I Want’ by Joni Mitchell to understand this story Reading Notes Start at Under Control Part 1 The Story Part 5 You sit on the bed, and she looks into the mirror, laughing and bemused at the vision of her face...

Under Control Omnibus

Under Control is a serialised story (circa 7,500 words) about an extramarital encounter in a hotel. The characters are never physically described. It’s written in the third person present tense, except when I lapse. It’s pretty filthy. It’s...

Under Control Part 4

Under Control Part 1 Reading Notes This is part four of a WHO FUCKING KNOWS HOW MANY PARTS story. Start at part one (Above) Listening Notes Let Go by Frou Frou You almost flinch for an instant; your experimental dominant ego checks itself to find if it’s sprained, but...

Under Control Part 3

Listening Note: Geek Love by Nerina Pallot Reading Note: Part 3 of a 5 part story. Start at Part 1 The Story ‘Stand up?” She asked. “Give me a moment to breathe!” You give a friendly, understanding smile. “Stand up for me.”  Your voice is calm, warm, composed and...